In my current position as Senior Associate of Communications at JASA, I create branded materials for a wide variety of communications needs. These include social media, where I was also responsible for managing the organization's pages, directly accessing analytics on my work. Other branded materials I have regularly created include website assets, presentation themes, video cards, advertisements, flyers, brochures, reports, email blasts, and event programs.
Social Media
In my time working at JASA I have created dozens of social media graphics promoting and highlighting all aspects of the organization. At right are several examples - the top two are for a program called NYC Benefits which helps seniors access various government benefits. The graphics are posted monthly in this specific branding and have a reach rate of 150%.
The middle graphics were used for a social media tool kit given to an advisory council for the organization. This advisory council was launching, and as part of the launch we shared these graphics and post captions, and had about an 80% participation across linkedin and instagram
The bottom graphics are a post seeking instructors for one of our programs, which were used on instagram, linkedin and facebook as well as job boards, resulting in the hiring of 6 new instructors.

Print Materials
JASA provides a wide variety of print materials for its programs across the five boroughs. At left on the top are a pair of flyers, one for a caregiver support program and one for a senior center event. Both were produced in less than an hour.
At left on the bottom is a brochure made for a senior center, featuring information about the particular center, photos, and JASA senior centers in general. As with the flyers, the primary challenge is laying out the significant amounts of text in a way that makes sense and flows, while maintaining a branded, clean, and readable aesthetic. Many of the materials I’ve made for JASA fall into this category - a quickly-made design that lays out complex information in an accessible manner.
Web materials
The web materials at right were made for a variety of applications and demonstrate my ability to create branded materials with a diversity of aesthetics and layouts. JASA regularly produces so much branded material that I have become adept at creating fresh new visuals while still remaining closely on-brand.
The first two examples are banners for a website, created in a wide format. Both use the limited space to primarily wield a striking visual, and then supplement with a small amount of text to encourage engagement.
Second are two 1920x1080 format designs, illustrating my ability to create standard horizontal formats for presentations and videos. The video card makes use exclusively of photos, ones that can be quickly recognized. The presentation slide is part of a branded deck that uses only colors, shapes, and light graphic illustration.
Finally are two digital signage pieces made for different applications - the first as a wayfinding sign for an open house, and the second as a kiosk advertisement. I designed Sundays at JASA to be a sub-brand, using only headshots and group pictures of seniors and removing the orange color from the palette, as well as having its own title and subheading styling.

Email Design
In my time at JASA, I have created dozens of emails like these at left, designing both individual elements and overall layout. Some emails are one-offs, whereas others are campaigns or annual communications. Across these different types, I have implemented specific branding, such as the left example, which is part of a series of press highlight eblasts. These emails emphasize a few main articles and a few smaller ones, as with many news roundups, and a use mixture of JASA fonts and colors combined with the news agencies.
The right example is a fundraising eblast, which highlights some external clickable elements and contains some internal reading material, as well as buttons encouraging donation. Creating hierarchy and explaining what each element is without overwhelming the viewer is key - all the individual elements are designed to have a self-evident identity.
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